1 to 1 online tutoring to prepare the Spanish GCSE exams

Spanish has been consolidated as one of the main foreign languages learnt by UK students in Secondary School.

Get your children the support they need to achieve the highest results in their Spanish GCSE exams.

With 10 years experience, I will help them to prepare their speaking and writing exams, as well as to practise and boost their confidence.

In addition to this, we will revise past reading and listening papers, according to their exam board, and we will check on each question to see the main tips for the comprehension part in the Spanish GCSE exam.

And, of course, I will focus in all type of doubts they might have when revising Spanish.

Hugo Pardo Spanish Lessons
Lugo (Spain)
0780 407 4508
+ 34 622 49 27 25
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